Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Red Roast Pepper Marinara Rotini with Sausage

Alright guys now tonight for dinner I'm gona recreate a dish i saw the other night while watching a show on demand for lack of anything else being on. I thought I'd just go back and watch the show and make it but nope! The shows gone from on demand and the recipe is nowhere to be found so we are just gona wing this. Ok guys? I know I have the basics anyway.

Roasted red pepper rotini with suasage

4-6 Italian suasages
4 Jarred roasted red peppers
1 Red onion
4 Fresh rosemary sprigs
1 Heaping tsp fennel seeds
2 Garlic cloves
Half a jar of tomato pasta suace
1 Box rotini pasta 2 Tsp balsamic viniagrette
1/4 C reserved water from cooked pasta

So first you want to butterfly your sausage so it will cook faster. Take a sharp knife and cut vertically down the sausage but not all the way through then open the sausage up (like butterfly wings) and take the back side of your knife and smooth the meat in the casing flat. Heat a grill pan to medium heat and rub the sausage with a little oil (olive,canola) and place on pan. Cook about 3 minutes on each side. Then fill a large pot with salted water (around a tsp) and bring to a boil. Cook pasta as directed. In a food processor or blender put peppers, fennel,red onion roughly chopped, 2 sprigs of rosemary (you only want the leaves not the hard stick) pinch salt and pepper blend till well chopped scraping down sides if necessary. Then heat a little oil in a large suate pan and add 2 cloves crushed garlic and suate a few seconds until color changes on medium heat. Then add the pepper paste you made and cook 3 minutes. Then add half jar pasta suace, cooked drained pasta and 1/4 cup reserved pasta water and 2 tsp balsamic if desired. Stir until well coated and top with chopped sausage and remaining rosemary and sprinkle with balsamic.
I used 5 sausage links.
Do not use sausage with cheese inside because when you butterfly it the cheese will burn during cooking. If your sausage curls on the side use a large pot lid to press them down and leave on them to finish cooking.

Ok so while dinners cooking let me tell you a little story. The other night while I was making dinner my oldest son who's just now really getting the hang of bein potty trained says he needs to go to the bathroom. I was in the middle of making ravioli from scratch with sausage and I'd been working on it most the day so I told him to go and bring me his pants when he was done and I'd help him get them back on. Now this isn't unusual for him to go to the bathroom alone if I'm in the middle of something and usually its no problem. But after a little bit I realized he was still gone and his brother was too. Soooo I go to the hall bathroom to check on them and ooohhh my god they had an inch or more of water covering our bathroom floor! :0 So your wondering where all this water came from?? The sink you may ask; oh no not the sink. They had gotten my little bucket that holds our craft pens I had left downstairs the week before when we were making Valentine cards and used the bottom of it to oh so perfectly clog the toilet and then my little angels flushed the toilet over and over and over until the entire bathroom was flooded They were soaked as well after yelling a few choice words and hanging up on my grandmother in a panick I pulled all their clothes off and sat them in time out while I cleaned this mess up where they sat laughing hysterically.
So 2 mops and 3 towels later I had a semi-dry bathroom and 2 boys in need of a bath. Now by them time i had got them out of the tub dressed and back in the kitchen to my made from SCRATCH ravioli that i had already poured creamy suace all over it was unedible and thrown in the trash!! :'(  So we had leftovers for dinner and I learned i should keep my kids in a cage while I'm cooking.

104 calories and 4.3 grams of fat in 1/8th of the recipe made with 5 sausage links.

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