Friday, March 14, 2014

Fried squash

This recipe is delicious and easy but you have to watch closely so they don't burn.

Fried squash
1 Large yellow squash
1 C white cornmeal
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
3 Tbsp oil
Cold water

Wash your squash and leave skin on. Then cut off the ends and slice in 1/2 inch round slices. Heat your oil and pan on medium high heat. Fill a bowl with cold water and place in squash slices. In another bowl mix salt, pepper and cornmeal. Shake excess water off of the squash slices and coat them in cornmeal mixture then place them in the pan and watching closely cook them until browned on both sides. Only flip them once during cooking. Place them onto layered paper towels to absorb excess oil and enjoy!

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