Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Leftover crock pot turkey croissant

Leftover Crock Pot Turkey Croissant

We didn't have much of this yummy turkey left but we did have enough for a few sandwiches and they wer quite good.

Heres what we used.. 

Leftover turkey breast
Light provolone cheese
Or any sandwich topping you like

I cut my croissant down the middle horizontally and then microwaved it a few seconds just to get the croissant buttery and a little moist. Its easier to cut it open before warming since its slightly stiffer. Then i put just a small amount of mayo on the bottom part of the croissant but you can use as much or as little if you like. You can mix some garlic powder and chilli powder into the mayo too for a more complex taste... just a dash of each. Place your cheese on top of the mayo. Then chop your turkey, pull it apart with your hands or thinly slice it. We only had some bits and pieces of our turkey left so i just pulled it apart with my hands.
Then just top with whatever you may like red onion, lettuce, tomato, bacon, anything you like. Cut down the middle and serve! We had some peaches and pita crackers on the side.

Here's one of the boys sandwiches so it doesn't have any toppings.

Do you like our finest china??? Yes, its Styrofoam plates today for us haha.

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