Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Sorry more recipes tomorrow!

Sorry i haven't posted any recipes today guys. We had a much needed day out with the kids. I usually have been trying to post several recipes daily but we ate lunch out and leftovers for dinner. The roasted red pepper and sausage rotini was still delicious warmed over tonight tho!

Come and check it out tomorrow tho because I'll be posting my very favorite meal. Its definitely not a light recipe tho lol. Ill be making Pan Fried Pork Roast "Chops" with Compound Butter.

Ill have a lunch post too tomorrow something a little lighter on the belt than dinner haha. Maybe even a dessert if we don't have any of the chocolate walnut brownies left.

And who knows i might get bored and whip something up tonight to post but either way guys come back tomorrow for some amazing food!

On another note guys my children tried their best to drive me crazy today! My 3 yr old comes in my room this morning turning the lights on and off insisting i take him to the park. GET UP GET UP COME ON LETS GO TO THE PARK LETS GO!!!!!!! So i get up and attempt to get them dressed at which point i realize that one of their shirts i had laid out last night for them to wear today has *poof* vanished! No where to be found. So i have one dressed child and one in pjs searching the house for his shirt that by the way was never found. By the time i give up and go to the closet looking for an alternative outfit both my children have flip flops on insisting they are going to wear them. Ok y'all it is not THAT warm it was almost 60 today but we are expecting snow tomorrow (really?!?). So anyway i then had to convince them that we had "better" shoe options which eventually they agreed with. So i get them dressed and i even get me dressed! We go down stairs and they insist that they want eggs and can't just eat while we are out so 2 eggs and some sausage later we go to teeth brushing. So as of last night my youngest son has apparently decided that his toothbrush is his worst enemy and he had sooner die than brush his teeth. After the nightmare last night and his promise to brush his teeth without a fight the next time he completely freaks out again today when i go to brush his teeth! Well after much crying and a struggle he has semi clean teeth. So then i go to fix my oldest sons hair. He is in need of a hair cut and it was quite a mess so i wiped it with a rag and put some gel in the front. Well 1 1/2 hours later we finally leave the house and as i look in my rearview mirror i see he has smashed his hair all down and its glued to his face in brittle strands. So we get there finally and there are no other kids which apparently to my children means you can't play and must sit there and complain. So 5 minutes in my child who had had to go says i wana go home! Its not like the the park is 5 minutes away yall we live in the country it was a 30 minute drive people! So FINALLY some kids get there and they play a little bit. Until getting bored and wanting to go somewhere else haha. So basically i am completely exhausted!

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